
Showing posts from September, 2018

The Social Media Marketing Tools

Hello Folks! Here I will be posting about the social media marketing tools that I have tried and tested. I will let you know whether they are  1) Free or Paid 2) Easy to use 3) Easy to implement 4) Good for reporting/analytics 5) Overall View So let's get started--- 1) SproutSocial--- this is a good marketing automation tool. It helps you see the messages, feeds, publish/schedule posts, and gives detailed reports on engagement on the post.  It is not free but comes with a 30-day free trial.  It is definitely worth the try. 2) Buffer-- this tool is free up to a limit. You can add 3 social media profiles for free and then you need to upgrade. It doesn't show any reports or feeds which sucks. But if you handle only 3 profiles then it can help you automate the process.  3) Zoho Social-- this tool is also not for free but comes with a free trial period. It is worth the try. This tool is better than buffer. It gives reports, helps moni

Marketing Quotes

Here I will be writing about quotes on marketing that I read or listen to... At the heart of a good brand is a good product.


What is Crowdfunding? Crowdfunding is an alternative form of finance. Whenever we need funding for any reason/cause whatsoever, we may go to our family, friends or a bank to take a loan. Crowdfunding works in the same manner, only that it is online. The purpose could be donations--where the money donated by you doesn't obligate the one who is taking the money. It could be reward-based---where the amount donated by you is returned in the form of certain pre-defined rewards. It could also be equity-based---where you invest in a project or a startup idea and get a share in the company. Crowdfunding has three people basically involved ---the person running the project and asking for the money, the person donating or giving the money, and the crowdfunding platform---which is an online platform connecting the other two people. It has actually become quite cool to crowdfund your projects and it is a great way to fuel the economy. It might get risky due to information